All trussed up

Today, work continued on many fronts. The carpenters were busy framing portions of the roof, filling in the areas not covered with the trusses. The attic bonus room floors are pretty much ready for plywood.

roof trusses second floor.png

On the main floor the first of the inside walls went up today. They define the living dining room and change the look of the entire floor. I can hardly wait to see some trusses up on them soon!

living room walls in.png

The structural steel beams and posts arrive tomorrow as well as the second load of trusses. These pieces will dramatically change the look of the house yet again. We've been busy as well out back by the shop, building the two large trusses for the front and rear of the house. We know from experience that any time something is high it can easily double or triple the time spent building it. The key to minimizing the scaffold time is to do as much of the work as possible on the ground and then lift it into place.

The large steel trusses I welded up yesterday were skinned with plywood to make them appear much larger.

peter adding wood to truss.png

We also took the time to measure out and plan how we would decorate the beams with routed details. 

beam layout.png

We have a little more work to do on them first thing in the morning just before they are lifted into place but they are looking pretty cool already.

finished patio truss.png

Things are shaping up pretty fast and tomorrow will be another day of big progress. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan