Pulling some wire.

As with every project we have to do more mundane steps to take care of infrastructure before we can get to the more creative stuff that will cover it all up.

It is a little early for wiring through the house but we have to install the plug boxes into the outside walls so we can put on the expanded lath and then begin the sculpted concrete. When we build with LOGIX ICF (insulted concrete forms) we have to use special methods to do things like wiring. Slots are cut into the foam and the wire is pressed into place. Boxes are done in much the same manner. It is actually easier than doing it in a regular stud wall. I bought a used electric chainsaw back when we built our shop (using the same method) nine years ago. I welded a piece of quarter inch pencil rod onto the end so the saw could only go 3 1/4" deep (the foam is 3 1/2" thick.

chainsaw with bar.png

I could then cut a 1/4" wide slot into the foam insulation with the chainsaw.

cutting foam.png

Normal LOOMEX type wire is used. We push it into the back of the groove we just cut using a paint stir stick. This makes it well out of the way of damage from any wayeward screws.

pushing wire into foam.png

Friction holds the wire in place nice and tight. Rectangular holes are cut for the boxes and they too are pressed into place. A little PL300 holds them securely without melting the surrounding foam.

box in foam.png

Then it is time to add some insulation back into place. A can pf spray foam does the trick in a hurry.

spraying foam.png

As the foam expands it bubbles out a bunch but that is no worry for we'll allow it to harden and cure and then tomorrow we'll trim it off flush with the LOGIX ICF blocks. 

foam sprayed.png

In a short while I had installed the plugs on the porch and front of the house, with the wires tucked in to the top of the walls and then stapled neatly into the trusses all the way back to where the electrical panel would eventually be. Now it is time get back to putting up the galvanized mesh on the outside of the house and get on with the theme work.

-grampa dan