Coming together...

Even though I am currently forced to take it easy in my recliner for most of the day as I recuperate, there is lots of progress over at the Hazelnut Inn. The painting crew has now finished with the blend coats of colour and onto the glazes. The bright colours are being muted more with each subsequent layer. The weather looks good for tomorrow, and with that, the crew should be able to wrap up this portion of the project. Inside the UnderHill suite, the bulk of the lath is now tied in place, which will allow the sculpting to begin next week. Stay tuned for more progress…

Day two report

It is day two after my ACDF neck surgery, and I am happy to report things are going much better than I thought they might. The back and neck pain (from previous) are gone. The feeling has mostly returned to my right-hand fingers as well. After a good night of sleep, I went for a two-kilometre walk first thing this morning, and it felt super to be out in the fresh air once again! As instructed by my doctors, and reminded of regularly by my family and crew, I will be spending the bulk of my day in my very comfy recliner. On my walk, I of course popped out to the shop and over to the Hazelnut Inn to check on things. As always, I am so grateful for a wonderful family and crew who continue to create the magic at full speed.

Dan's great neck adventure

Life is a never-ending adventure, it seems. Last year, just as I fully recovered from my heart adventure (open heart surgery with a six bypass), my neck started to give me trouble. As Christmas rolled around, it became unbearable. Massage, chiropractic treatments, and physical therapy were all tried without relief or improvement. Eventually, it was a trip to the emergency, x-rays, CT scans, and an MRI before being referred to a neurologist. While things had improved just enough for me to function under duress, it was determined that a permanent solution was a C5-C6 C6-C7 ACDF, which would fuse the three bottom vertebrae in my neck. That procedure was done yesterday and was a total success. Now, back home from the hospital, I am feeling great (better than before the surgery and am on to recovery over the next weeks. Far less onerous or invasive than the heart operation of last year, this should be a piece of cake. :)