
A sign for the 'real' world

While most of our sign work is for theme parks and signs we occasionally get to do a project for the ‘real’ world. This week we got the go-a-head to begin work on a sign for a local housing complex. The sign will replace an ancient sandblasted wood sign and will measure approximately eight feet wide when it is complete. It’s a simple but elegant design. Stay tuned for the real deal soon…

NEBS start

This week we’ll be doing the final sculpting on the last of the pieces for Jade City Mini Golf. That means it is time to get serious about the next project - NEBS Mini Golf. ‘NEBS’ is an acronym for ‘Nautical Exploration Beneath Surface’. The first piece we will be tackling is the submarine that will hang over the entrance. We’ve begun designing the first of the many cutting files we will need for the project. We’ll be using approximately seventeen 4’x8’ sheets of plate steel to fabricate the framework necessary for our sculpture. We are looking forward to the project!! Stay tuned…

Start of new project

This week we begin fabrication on the entrance piece for Jade City Golf. It will be a large piece to be constructed in three sections to facilitate shipping - and getting it out of our shop when we are finished. We’ll start by plasma cutting a bunch of plate steel to be used as a base and joining points. Then we’ll move to cutting and welding heavy structural steel before blocking it out with pencil rod. That should keep me busy for a bunch of this week. Stay tuned…