As the Element Spray Foam insulation crew finishs their work we are beginning to prepare for the next job we will do. We fastened the curved ceiling formers into place on the trusses and joists some time ago. Now it is time to begin strapping the ceiling. The expanded galvanized steel lath will be stapled to this backing and then we begin trowelling on the fiberglass reinforced concrete. Once that is done we'll begin the painting process while below the drywallers will begin their work.
To do the strapping on the curved ceilings we will use up more than 60 sheets of plywood. The two upstairs rooms will use 1/2" plywood as the trusses are less than 16" on center or less with the rafters. On the high vaulted ceilings of the living room we will go with 3/4" stapping to make sure everything stays nice and straight.
Today Matthew and I began ripping the plywood to size on the tablesaw. The section over the gable windows will be first and for this task we were ripping the strips of plywood cross ways so they would easily bend on the curved ceilings. Eighteen sheets were put through the saw for these sections alone.
Tomorrow we pick up where we left off today.
-grampa dan