Inside job

In the house things continue to progress. Matt finished stapling the mesh to the hallway ceiling. Now it is ready for the concrete. 

matt stapling in front hallway.png

The hallway is fifty four feet from one end to the other and goes between the living and dining room. With the mesh on it looks different and not at all nine fet tall. The hallways are all four feet wide to make sure the house is wheelchair accessable should we need it in the future. Heres a pic from either end. The wide angle lens of the camera makes it seem longer than it really is.

long halllway.png
long hallway 2.png

Once Matt was finished the stapling he began the task fo stuffing the insiulation into the inside walls. He started in the master bedroom. The rooms were instantly defined and the house changed once more before in a few minutes.

insulation in bedroom.png

It looks more like a house every day!

-grampa dan