Today we built the last of the window bucks for the new house. Harold's contracting crew was busy placing most of the ones we built previously as well and laying down course after course of LOGIX ICF blocks into place. It is really starting to look like a house now at last.
I thrhought I'd show a couple of closeups today to show just how these window bucks were made and fit into the wall. The window shapes were routed slightly oversiaze. Then these shapes served as forms to build layers of treated plywood, glued and screwed, layer after layer to form the bucks. These were set into the foam wall forms. Concrete will be poured into the ICF blocks locking the bucks into place. The windows will be mounted flush to the inside of the wall. This means the windows will be deeply insiet into the walls on the outside leaving us plenty of creative options for theme work.
Tomorrow the crane truck arrives to set the last two big window bucks in place. They were just too heavy to handle with man power alone.
Stay tuned for more pics as they go in...