More trusses and steel

Tody was one of those days where everything seemed to happened at once. The truss truck arrived first, with a big load of the smaller trusses. He was barely positioned before the second semi arrived with the load of structural steel. While Harold's crew unloaded and positioned the many trusses, I helped sling up the steel columns and beams.

second load of trusses.png
steel delivery.png

The trusses were set in place or stacked around the building. The steel beams need to be in place before we can install all of them.

more trusses.png

The rest of the day was spent setting up the steel columns and readying the wall pockets for the steel beams to be lifted into place tomorrow. The columns will get a lot of attention in the weeks to come, and will eventually resemble knarly rooted trees. The steel columns alone radically changed the look of the house. The porch is suddenly defined.

columns up.png

This evening we were reviewing and planning details for the new house when Phoebe came to explore. She wanted to see her new secret upstairs room. I put up a ladder and gently coaxed Phoebe up to the top. Phoebe decided it was all much, much too high for her taste - at least until there were proper stairs and perhaps a real railing too!

phoebe exploring second floor.png

It was another great day in a continuing series of great days. Tomorrow should be more of the same!

-grampa dan