East wall details

Last week a fellow I know took a good look around the house. He was amazed at how we were making the effort to add the same attention to detail all around our house. The truth these days is that most people detail the front of their houses and perhaps extend it a few feet around the side. But they stop all detail around the sides and back for it is not visible to the street. All that seems a bit silly to me for we tend to live in our backyards for the most part. When I am around the back of our new house I want to enjoy the same level of detail we apply to the front of the house. It makes perfect sense to me.

Today, while the beams were going up at the front and back of the house some of our crew were busy on the east side. The forms for the stone columns were being fastened to the wall in preparation for the sculptured concrete to come next. Detailed routered panels that will eventually be painted up to look like chiselled stone were also put in place on each column. These details will add a lot to an otherwise big plain wall.

back wall ready for rockwork mud.png

We have a few more surprises coming as well to make this back wall just as detailed as the others. Stay tuned to see it unfold...

-grampa dan