We've almost finished stacking up the LOGIX ICF blocks in preparation for the next concrete pour. Harold's crew have done the bulk of the work with our crew helping out as we are able. Today they almost finished putting up the last of the blocks on the gable ends of the vaulted portion of the house. It is high! I'm sure it will look spectacular when it is done.
The large front window suddenly looks a lot more in scale with the house from the outside.
Inside we get a sense of how the living room will look with the vaulted ceiling. The block still needs to be trimmed to shape on this end.
On the dining room side of the vault it is all ready to be buttoned up for the pour. A few more braces will be aded to keep everything secure.
Going around back one gets a true sense of just how high the walls really are. The ground level will be brought up to the base of the door openings in the next weeks, as soon as the weather dries up enough to bring in the fill. Some of the back filling has to wait until the old house is removed. Each row of blocks is sixteen inches tall. Plus the eight inch thick footing. This means the wall is a little over twenty eight feet to the top from the ground.
The next step once the concrete is in the walls is the roof trusses. Things are proceeding quickly!
-grampa dan