Test driving a swing.

I slept on the idea of surprising Janis with the porch swing and this morning decided I was going to let Janis in on her birthday surprise early. Janis has never been fond of surprises. Something as front and center as a porch swing needed her input. There were many things to sort out including exact placement as well as how it woud hang. I told her of the present and invited her out for a test drive. Once we had tested it using some temporary supports and adjusted things to perfection I welded up a sturdy frame to bolt into the trusses.

We tested the swing one more time afer it was permanently mounted just to be sure everything was right. Then I wired on the lath in preparation for the sulpting epoxy that would be the final step. The porch swing looked great in it's new home. It sure felt right too!

porch swing wired.png
porch swing installed.png

Peter finished welding the corner tree (the last porch post) today. That only leaves two more posts in the carport area before all the welding on this end of the house is finished. It will only be a little while longer before the lath is all in place and the sculpting will begin. I can hardly wait!

-grampa dan