All round the house everyone continued to be busy today. The caprenters worked on the last of the bits and pieces - almost done.
Out front the our crew finished the sculpting on the second big tree today. The first tree recieved it's third coat of base paint today, meaning it will begin to get it's final glazes tomorrow.
In preparation for more concrete sculpting in the porch area we put up the corner trim today. It instantly framed the house beautifully! Soon I'll route the horizontal trim to cover the backing timber.
Bec continues to paint sample trim to help figure out just how the trim will be painted. We are getting close to our final decision.
The plumbers did all the in-wall connections to get things ready for the insulation and drywall. The HVAC and airconditioning crew were also busy through the day. And Richard's plumbing and heating installed the wiring for the thermostats, making the infloor heating system ready for drywall.
We are quickly getting ready for the next phase of construction. Stay tuned for more...
-grampa dan