Playing in the playhouse

While most of the crew are busy working on the painting of the front porch some of us are busy around the back, still doing the sculpted concrete work. Yesterday I laid the last of the concrete blocks for the retaining wall that will determine the slope of the land from the new house to the original ground towards the back of the property. The new level of the property around the house is about five feet higher than the original ground.

back retaining wall.png

We're also busy applying the fiberglass reinforced concrete to the facia boards. There's only a little more to go before we are done.

back of house.png

We are also working on Phoebe's playhouse by the back porch. Today we began doing the sculpting, starting at the top and working our way down both inside and out.

inside tree house.png

By tomorrow night the playhouse concrete should be done. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan