One room at a time.

The house is at the stage where progress is done in bits and pieces. The Boughens are busy putting up trim, starting on the upper floor. They'll finish off one room at a time and then work their way through the bottom floor. In Phoebe's play room the trim is almost complete and looking great.

phobes room trim.png

The massive shelving unit, designed to dsplay all the wonderful things Phoebe creates, is ready to have the adjustable shelves installed. Final paint will finish things off nicely.

phoebes shelves.png

Downstairs I've been busy laying tile. The ensuite tile is finished. Other tile work is underway through the house. The main bathroom is now ready for grout.

main bathroom tile.png

Final painting continues one room at a time and then I'll follow along with the tile. We can hardly wait to get into the house for real very soon.

-grampa dan