Imagination Corporation

Inside job

In the house things continue to progress. Matt finished stapling the mesh to the hallway ceiling. Now it is ready for the concrete. 

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The hallway is fifty four feet from one end to the other and goes between the living and dining room. With the mesh on it looks different and not at all nine fet tall. The hallways are all four feet wide to make sure the house is wheelchair accessable should we need it in the future. Heres a pic from either end. The wide angle lens of the camera makes it seem longer than it really is.

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long hallway 2.png

Once Matt was finished the stapling he began the task fo stuffing the insiulation into the inside walls. He started in the master bedroom. The rooms were instantly defined and the house changed once more before in a few minutes.

insulation in bedroom.png

It looks more like a house every day!

-grampa dan


In the middle of this coming week I have to travel to the east coast to a sign conference for a speaking engagement. That means I have to plan ahead and line everything up to keep our crew busy with work. One of the jobs to be done is the painting of the curved ceilings in the house. That meant we had to get serious about picking the last of the colors for the house. Flooring, counter, cabinet and trims had already been narrowed down. The wall colors were the choice of the day. So we gathered at the kitchen table and brought out all the samples along with the paint chips and sat down for a little fun. Current decorating trends weren't on our minds, nor did we have any magazines open for reference. This house is all about what we enjoy and little more.

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We looked at every color combination imaginable, from mild to wild and everything inbetween. It was a great discussion with some wildly varying options and opinions to be sure. In the end we were in agreement. So what did we choose?

Stay tuned to see.

-grampa dan

Sliding deadlines

As we talked about our new house through the planning years we figured the project would be hand crafted over a year or more fitting into the customer projects we had on the go in the shop. It would take what it takes. But as we got into the actual building of the house our goals became much more ambitious. We were very tired of living in the cramped and old house and love the idea of living in the new one as soon as humanly possible. Our new goal was to see if we could manage finishing the new house by Christmas of this year. Our house is always filled with family and friends in the days surrounding Christmas and it would have been really nice! The reality however is that our goal was a little bit (make that a LOT) optomistic. Every aspect of the house build took a little longer than we hoped. But then again every project I've ever tackled seems to go that way.

We concentrated on the outside of the house all summer. We did minimal work in the shop for our customers while we concentrated on that task. And we largely achieved that goal. But with the return of the fall weather it was time to go back into the studio/shop and play catch-up with our customer's projects. With only a small crew once more, work on the house slowed, as we expected, but progress has been steady. As with every large project there are so many things that needed to be done. Wiring, prepwork for the plastered ceilings and backing for all the things to be added later. We've been busy picking colors, aquiring samples of floor finished and picking out cupboards and counters. New appliances and even some new pieces of furniture are all waiting for the big move into the house. 

In spite of the media constantly telling us the economy and building industry is slow, the reality is the trades are exceptionally busy these days. Our project has to be planned into their already crowded schedule. Everyone else, it seems really wants to move into THEIR new house by Christmas and the rush is on.

So we've taken a little more laid back approach in the last months. There is no point in stressing out in regard to the new house. That would take the fun out of the project and having fun and enjoying the new house (including the building process) is the whole point of taking on the project. We now take each day as it comes, doing what we are able to. Our trades are more than good with the laid back approach. They still come when they can and then take the time to do things right, not rushed as they are forced to do everywhere else. Our job site is relaxed and friendly with the trades not jostling each other for elbow and working room. We now hear how much these guys enjoy coming to our house to work.

It is our hope to be able to enjoy the house for many,many years into the future. Moving into the new digs a little later than we hoped isn't a big deal. The new (and more realistic) date for completion is in late February/early March. Time will tell.

-grampa dan