Anchors aweigh

Each day we do our best to do a variety of tasks to keep things moving along. Welding the armatures continues with three welders going full blast most of the time. The painting crew also keeps the paint flowing on three or four features. And the wring of the armatures is always in progress. We also try to do some concrete work each day. Generally this isn't started until mid-morning so we can have lunch on time while the concrete begins to set up. After lunch the carving begins and as the concrete hardens everyone peels off their other tasks to get it done before it is too late. As the concrete sculpting is finished the crew goes back to their regular work.

Today, three of the smaller pieces got their concrete skin including the anchor, a treature chest and a hollow log that will act as features on the mini golf holes.

anchor mudded.png

As per usual exquisite details took each piece over the top. Tomorrow we'll do some more. Stay tuned...

-grampa dan