Counting down the days...

The preparations for the Sculpture Magic Workshop which is to be held October 2-4 are now well underway. The name plaques for each of our guests are almost painted. I’ve been keeping the MultiCam CNC router busy making up sample pieces. Our students will use these as the starting point for some very fun and creative projects. This coming week we’ll fire up the plasma cutter to prep some bases for the concrete sculptures. Janis is busy in our kitchen baking up lots of delicious treats for our guests. I have had the pleasure of sampling a few and they are great! We’ve done some test cooking of some of the dishes we will enjoy at mealtime and I am looking forward to enjoying more during the workshop. I’ve been going over my presentations and organizing the materials we need. Grant has been ordering supplies for the myriad of projects that will be created. The cleaning and organizing of the shop is underway. It is a busy time as we count down the days until our guests arrive.

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