Back in the saddle

It has been a whole year since I rode my bike regularly. Last fall, after recuperating from my heart surgery I briefly got back on my wheels but then a bulged disc in my neck stopped my comeback in an instant. Thankfully, over the last months, things have improved greatly and with the warmer weather, I am itching to get back mobile once again. Today, I dusted off the bike and pumped up the tires. Then I went to town and got a new lightweight helmet to lessen the chance of setting back the healing in my neck. Janis & Becke reminded me of my advanced age, and medical conditions and gave me a strong lecture about taking it easy, I listened intently and then I was off. My first ride was only a couple of kilometres but all is well. The weatherman is promising some great riding weather all week. It is great to be back in the saddle once again!