Triangle Contracting - Part 5

To prep the excavator sign for paint a coat of Coastal Enterprises heavy bodied, water based primer was brushed on - we call this stuff “marshmallow paint” in our shop. Extra texture was created with the primer in key areas, such as the lettering.

triangle in primer.jpg

Next, Becke brushed on the sign’s colour base coats. Finally, she brushed on layers of glaze and gently wiped them off to create the weathering, grime and dirt we needed to make this sign look believable. In this shot, Becke is putting the finishing touches to the load of gravel in the bucket.

bec painting excavator sign.jpg

This closeup of the tracks and pile of dirt showcases the rich colours Becke was able to achieve.

excavator sign detail.jpg

After this the lettering gets its last coats of paint and the sign is finished.

triangle sign finished 2.jpg