MultiCam Boardroom - Part 9

Once the last of the texturing primer is finished we are ready to start painting colour in earnest. The walls are a blended blue — Becke, our resident colourist, worked her magic and suggested a pearlized colour scheme that will start with a light blue on the ceiling and get darker as it works its way down the walls. We will highlight the halls with indirect blue LED lighting just below the large pipes, creating an almost magical underwater feel.

primed 3.jpg

However, before we started to the walls the first step was to give the large pipes the rust treatment. We painted them with a special paint that has metal in it and will actually rust. In the picture below, Becke is looking for the first hints of rust to form — just after we sprayed on a mild acid. The pipes looked ominously dark but by the next day they had formed a wonderful rust patina.


The shot below shows the freshly rusted pipes making look like they had been around a long, long time — just as we intended.

rust on pipes.jpg

Next we laid down a baby blue base colour on the walls before moving on the the wainscotting. First we painted a coat of pearl over the blue base and once it had dried we started in on the first of two colours of glaze — a darker metal flake blue. This first glaze was followed with a custom colour we call “Plum Crazy” to showcase the texture to its greatest advantage.
