MultiCam Boardroom - Part 13

At this point, the room was nearly finished.

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The last of the details for the TV surround were nearly complete. We used the CNC router to cut the ornate brackets for the pipes with come down behind the TV. The brackets and rivets were cut from 40 lb. Precision Board. One pipe actually carries the low voltage wires for the LED's which light up the gages around the TV. The rest are purely for decoration.

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At this point, the curved and riveted ceiling look fantastic, well worth the many hours of work it took to accomplish. The cork floor (still very dusty in the photographs here blends into the whole scheme of things marvelously.

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We've yet to route, paint and install a base board shoe to cover the edges of the floating cork floor.

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Once we hooked up the wires for the LED's around the TV it was instant magic!