Black Forest - Part 9

Our previous instalments in the Black Forest series we took a look at the design, routing, sculpting, and assembly of the sign. Once the last of the sculpting and assembly was finished we put on a texture coat of Coastal Enterprises primer. The primer evens out the texture over the entire piece and make it impossible to tell which parts were routed and which were done by hand.

The sign now looks positively massive!

sign primed 2.jpg

With the priming complete, the Back Forest sign is now ready for paint.

As a rule, we apply coat after coat of paint on our projects. In addition to the primer, this sign will have a minimum of two coats of paint and four paint glazes.

We started with two coats of off-white. A slightly darker warm white was next and it was lightly towelled off.

glaze 1.jpg

A brighter orangish-yellow was next - it will provide some bright highlights after the dark glazes are put on. The sign looks pretty garish at this stage but it will tone down as we proceed.

A slightly purplish brown was the next glaze to be applied.

glaze 3.jpg

The last colour (which we call Plum Crazy) was applied sparingly in key areas to enhance the depth of the sign and to help the lettering stand out.

last color glaze.jpg