Name Tag 008: Shawn

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Shawn’s Name plaque has a tropical style. The fan shaped palm fronds were built by building one leaf and then copying and rotated the copies appropriately.

Each leaf was bisected with a line vertically and then using the jigsaw tool we created a separate vector for each half-leaf. The stems were created separately.

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Once this was done, we lined everything up and created an outline to act as the base.

Now we are ready to create our reliefs.

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We started with a flat relief background plate. first relief I made as a flat shape.

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Then we drew an oval around the leaf and used it to give our flat relief a domed top.

We followed the same process for the lettering.

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After this, we used the dome tool shape the two sides of the leaves. Then we used the oval again and modified the leaves so they mimicked the same shape as the previous elements.

Switching to front view, we nudged all our pieces to the right height. Once everything was in place we merged (highest) it all together.

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The stems were created with the dome shape as well and modified in the same fashion as the other pieces. If you look close you can see we missed selecting the stem on the second leaf from the left. Unfortunately, we didn't catch it until the piece was routed... but we were able to add it using sculpting epoxy later.

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With the last of the pieces made and positioned, the final step is to merged everything together. The we can tool path it and send it to the CNC router.

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