Name Tag 011: Spencer

spencer routed.jpg

My father has always loved the car emblems from the fifties. At their best, they epitomize speed and grace. He designed Spencer's name plate to emulate that classic look. The tricky part of this design is cutting out part of the fancy swish under the name (to accommodate the “p”) without distorting the shape.

spencer 1.jpg

First up Dan created a beveled relief. He used the create relief bevel tool and limited the height to .2" over the base height parameter. This makes an instant bevel at any specified angle.

spencer 2a.jpg

Then Dan imported the wiggly line bitmap (from our Texture Magic: Classic Collection) and stretched it out enough that a 1/8" ballnose bit could easily cut between the lines. As always, black does nothing but white will rise up the specified amount. This bitmap was applied over a domed relief.

spencer 3.jpg

Then Dan created a bevelled relief with the triangle vector shape. This relief was modified using an oval vector to match the textured oval and nudged into position vertically.

spencer 4.jpg

He also created a zero height relief using an offset of the letter 'p'. This was merged with the triangle using the merge LOWEST function to notch the triangle shape perfectly around the lettering.

spencer 5.jpg
spencer 6.jpg

Lastly, Dan created the lettering using a dome shape and modified it using the same dome vector, then nudged it into position vertically in the front view.

spencer 7.jpg

Spencer’s plaque was routed in two passes, The first was with a 3/8" ball nose bit and a 50% overlap.

The final pass was with a tapered 1/8" ball nose bit using an 80% overlap.
