Day two

Day two of the Sculpting Magic Workshop was even better than the first. Everyone was familiar with everything i the workshop. The we're all really into their projects and having fun! Today we did our 3D concrete projects and made great progress on the smaller but more detailed sculpted figure heads. Each of the pieces are fantastic and for the most part I think everyone amazed themselves with the creations. We told shared many wonderful stories and had plenty of laughs along the way. We also enjoyed some great food! Tomorrow, we do it one last time. It’s going to be fun!

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Day one of the Sculpting Magic Workshop

It was fun to watch all of the Sculpting Magic Workshop attendees come into the shop for the first time. Chances are they may have seen manny of our projects or pictures of our shop online or in the trade magazines, but there is a certain magic seeing it all for real. They didn’t get to wander or stare too long for we jumped right into the learning, sculpting, welding wiring and a whole lot more. The hours flew by as they started a variety of projects. The results - already, are amazing. Tomorrow morning, bright and early we start making magic once more…

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Workshop eve

Tis’ the night before the first Sculpture Magic Workshop and it feels just like Christmas Eve. Everything is laid out, all the preparations made. I’ve heard from a few of the attendees as they arrived in town, having travelled from far and wide. Everyone is very excited! Tomorrow morning I’ll open the gates a little earlier than usual and as per normal there will be some waiting to come in. This is going to be fun!

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