It has been a whole year since I rode my bike regularly. Last fall, after recuperating from my heart surgery I briefly got back on my wheels but then a bulged disc in my neck stopped my comeback in an instant. Thankfully, over the last months, things have improved greatly and with the warmer weather, I am itching to get back mobile once again. Today, I dusted off the bike and pumped up the tires. Then I went to town and got a new lightweight helmet to lessen the chance of setting back the healing in my neck. Janis & Becke reminded me of my advanced age, and medical conditions and gave me a strong lecture about taking it easy, I listened intently and then I was off. My first ride was only a couple of kilometres but all is well. The weatherman is promising some great riding weather all week. It is great to be back in the saddle once again!
Wordless sign
There are countless mundane signs just about everywhere we look. While important, most are designed purely for function and not form. The NEB’s Fun World facade needed a washroom sign to direct people down a hallway to the facilities. Because every aspect of the facade is special we needed to design something that fits in with the rest of the custom signs. This toilet paper design works perfectly. Once we finish sculpting the surfaces around we’ll paint it up pretty.
Massive mud day
It was another massive sculpting day as we tackled the uppermost building facade section. Our initial goal was to do the wood and brickwork but with rapid progress early in the day, it was decided to go for the roof shingles as well. By quitting time this large section of the facade was sculpted and ready for paint next week. There’s only one more section along with three small pieces to sculpt on this project. The painters are also going full blast to add colour to everything. It is going to look fantastic when it is fully assembled at NEB’s Fun World in Oshawa, Ontario.