Late night pressure (wash)

It isn’t often we work past dark but with the grand opening of the Hazelnut Inn now only two days away there are a few last-minute details to take care of. This week's poor weather has pushed the concrete walkways dying into tomorrow’s schedule. This meant the pressure washing had to be squeezed into today. As Peter worked into the evening hours the magical light made for a perfect picture opportunity. Everything will be ready for Saturday’s open house celebration. Only two more sleeps…

Fastcut CNC plasma installed

The shiny, new FastCut CNC plasma cutter arrived this morning. We wasted no time unloading it and gently guiding it into our shop. We levelled it, unwrapped the pieces, and assembled the components. Our electrician arrived this afternoon to do the electrical hookups. By quitting time we had verified that the machine could move on its own and that there were no issues. Tomorrow we’ll double-check everything and then start cutting some steel. Stay tuned…

And a parrot - of course!

As we drew up the plans for the Hazelnut Inn's grand opening on Saturday, June 1 we considered many options to make it special. One consideration was to hire a pirate, complete with a colourful parrot. A second option was a mermaid in the garden lagoon which rose to the top of the list. But Janis still wanted the pirate. Janis is a tough bargainer and quietly asked me to ‘get the pirate with the parrot’ as her birthday present. I of course was more than happy to oblige. Today the pirate and the parrot came for a look at the setup. They’ll be waiting to greet guests on Saturday as they line up for a look inside the North Star Suite…