Fireplace sculpted

The outdoor fireplace in the Under Hill garden of the Hazelnut Inn is now fully sculpted. The rest of the garden is only a day or two from complete. The painting crew has begun prepping the previously sculpted areas and soon they will be going full blast to add colour to these areas. We also have a plan for a unique and interesting deck to go along with a beautiful garden. Stay tuned to watch this area come together…

Like a wish come true

The wishing well fit perfectly in place in the Storybook Land at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch in Nebraska. When I was there in late July I made the effort to place a level on the ground to get an accurate measurement of the slope. We purposely built the bottom of the wishing well at this angle to ensure it would stand up straight when it was placed at the juncture of the paths. It worked out perfectly - as we knew it would.