Research trip complete

Matt and I had a fabulous time at the Disney Parks in Japan. We averaged about 20,000 steps daily in the parks and poked into every nook and cranny we could find. We looked at every clever detail the Imaginers and fabrication crews had carefully crafted into the parks and did our best to record all we saw. Over the last few days, I have gone through the photos I took, editing and sorting them for future reference. My collection added up to more than 3,000 photos, plus what Matt captured. When he returns to work next week, we will blend our collections to get a complete picture of the parks.

The thing we enjoyed the most was the cleverness with which the Imagineers visually told the story of the area they were portraying. They layered detail after detail, often in unexpected locations. Since we strive to do the same in our work, what we saw brought us immense joy and inspired us to continue and expand our repertoire in the future. My favourite reference shots were not those of the typical visitor, but rather these small, seemingly unnoticed details. Here’s one of those favourite reference pics… two cannonball hits in a plaster wall. This feature was tucked away in the back corner of one of the restaurants.

Back to reality

Matt & I, after travelling all night, arrived home four hours before we left (due to crossing the date line). After seeing so much great work over the last week, we were exhausted but inspired. Matt’s vehicle keys were locked in the shop, so we popped in for a quick look to see what the crew had achieved in our absence. As we admired the work, we realized that our work was on par with what we witnessed at Disney, keeping in mind it is much smaller in scale and not as complex in its workings. Our resolve is to continue to improve and get ever more imaginative with every project we tackle in the future…