A Place to Hang My Hat

Coat Rack

I just recently returned from a road trip to Alberta to install a fun coat rack we had prefabricated in our studio over the last few weeks. The coat rack was for a kid’s play center in a community recreational facility. It was hopefully the first piece of many that will be designed and built to transform the rather ordinary play center into one that will truly delight both kids and parents alike.

Forty-two wooden pegs were fastened into the hollow of the tree which was sculpted over a welded steel frame. It was built and transported in three pieces to allow it to fit through the narrow doors.  The  tree was then reassembled and finished on-site - much to the delight of the kids who watched us work.

Bird's Nest

As a surprise for the kids (and the management of the community center) we sculpted a bird’s nest (Complete with two birds) and a squirrel into the tree.  Every child took notice - even before we finished.

I look forward to working on the next phases of the project which promises to be even more creative and fun too!

-grampa dan