A sign can take many forms. This is especially if the definition of a sign includes anything that promotes a customer’s business, product or service. That’s how we define a sign in our shop. So when it came time to design and build a customer’s desk you just know it wouldn’t be anything ‘ordinary’. Our customer sells CNC machines (robots) and in this room we would be featuring a plasma cutter. It’s an amazing machine that can do amazing things, so the project we were to design and build would have to be just as amazing! I designed the project and cutting file. My customer supplied the half inch thick steel and the CNC plasma cutter. It was amazing to watch the machine cut through the heavy steel plate like butter. The end result was a 312 pound pile of ‘dinosaur bones’.
I took them home and set to work with my welder. It didn’t take long until one of the most unusual desks in these parts began to take shape. In the next days I’ll find someone to cut some 3/4” glass for the top. I’ll also be working on some similar themed dimensional artwork for the walls.
-grampa dan