Back when I made the little boat I recently made into the Shmyer’s sign I also made a plane. Actually I made two planes. One went to a friend who came from Texas. The other plane was earmarked for for another display sign for my studio. But like the little boat is has sat on the shelf for the longest time. Last night I finally started work on the second project. Like the boat, the idea came to life while I
sketched watching TV. This time I also had my laptop handy so in the commercials I put together the vector file I needed to create the sign pieces on the CNC router. I decided the plane would become a crop duster... and be featured in a fictitious business called ‘DUSTY’S FLYING SERVICE - SINCE !954’. (1954 is my birth year) A while ago in my travels I watched a crop duster in action and it was the most awesome flying I have ever seen. That memory was the inspiration for the business. This morning while the router warmed up for another job I created the 3D routing file and later today I let the machine cut the pieces while I was busy on other things.
Stay tuned for the next stage of the project...
-grampa dan