almost done 1
almost done 2

We’ve had to stop work on the project temporarily as we get ready for the next Sign Magic Workshop but I snuck in a little time this past week to finish up the ceiling and a few other details. The little submarine sign now hangs permanently in its place in the  board room. I couldn’t resist hooking up the LED lighting for a quick picture. The decorative conduit to the TV is now finished as well. The TV surround will be the last piece to bring into the room and it is almost done in the studio. The plexiglass insert for the table was cut and engraved with a laser machine. It is now on the way from Texas and will be installed as soon as it arrives. My friend, Shawn Cherewick, of Protowerx is creating a spectacular but subtle LED light show for under the boardroom table that will create a shimmering light effect on the plexiglass and also onto the barnacled and weathered pipes below. It will hopefully be the finishing touch for a room like none other out there. Once everything is ready it shouldn’t take more than two or three days at the most to finish up this room after months of work.

The front reception desk only needs a little paint to be complete. I’ll be working on the stair detail and eye candy in the entry as soon as the workshop is done. That leaves only the boss’s office to be done which shouldn’t take more than a week or so to wrap completely. 

-grampa dan