I love to get the mail. The walk always does me good and aside from the envelopes with little windows there is often great surprises in store. Today SignCraft arrived. SignCraft is the premier magazine for people in the sign industry. I remember well back when I first started in the business, discovering the magazine for the first time. I was blown way with the work I saw there. I promised myself that some day the work we produced would be good enough to be featured there.
I never forgot that promise and worked hard to learn all I could to make it so. And I still remember the day when someone sent in some of our work and it appeared in SignCraft for the first time. Our name wasn’t mentioned in the article but I didn’t care, for my dream had come true.
These days I write articles regularly for SignCraft that features the work we do. Each time the colorful magazine comes it still is a dream come true when I open those glossy pages and see our work pictured there.
Yesterday the latest magazine was in the mail and It was like Christmas as I opened the package and flipped through to the story. The Oyama subdivision sign was the subject of the article. The editor had carefully gone through my submitted story, making the writing concise and clear, inserting the photos and captions to make a pleasing layout. I grinned the rest of the day, realizing once more that dreams do come true.
-grampa dan