phoebe book cover mockup

We all have stories to tell. More than six years ago, before my first and only grand daughter was born I started writing my thoughts in a sort of online journal. My first writings were gentle reminders to my friends to take time for the important things in life. As time went on I would post pictures of Phoebe, and tell of the small adventures we enjoyed together.

I kept copies of my thoughts and ramblings. Eventually, I decided to assemble them into a book for Phoebe. The book would be stories of our many adventures over the first five years of her life. After that I reasoned, she would remember much more on her own. 

Over the last months I have been editing and polishing the writings of those first five years, adding photographs and formatting it for the book. I quickly discovered just how much work a  book really is. But it is coming together quickly. There is still much editing to do, proof reading and more than a couple changes Iā€™m sure.  But it will be ready soon. It will be marketed as an ebook, which will be able to be downloaded and read on any computer or e-reader that can handle color photos. Stay tuned for developments.

-grampa dan