Ready, set GO!

Today we did the last of the major preparations for the Sculpture MAGIC Workshop which starts officially on Friday morning. Tomorrow afternoon our guests will begin to arrive. I welded up the steel structures for the tree sculptures we will be doing. Hailey and Annie ground down all the sharp edges to keep everyone safe.

We pre-routed the backing plates for the sculptures each student will create. We also cut a number of plywood squares on which we will practice carving concrete textures.

as our major project each attendee will sculpt a detailed dinosuar head. As my demonstration piece I have done the first couple of steps to show the way.

For each workshop we bring in a guest teacher who is knowledgable - an expert in their field. Phoebe was more than willing. She brought in her entire toy dinosaur collection along with her many books for reference. As we were preparing Phoebe gave us a lenghthy talk on the various atributes of each type and species of dinosaur. She looks forward to sharing her vast expertise with our guests. We of course will be adding a creative twist to the excercise.

I'm counting the hours until our next wonderful creative adventure will be shared with some great folks. This is going to be FUN!

-grampa dan