We are always on the lookout for new materials and methods of doing things. It is one of the reasons we visit theme parks. I've long admired the rich colors and the rich patinas of their attractions.
Recently I was looking at the website of one of our long time suppliers, Modern Masters metallic paints, and discovered they also offer a line of quality scenic paints. As I looked through their portfolio I discovered some of my favorite projects (in theme parks I have visited) were done using these same paints. I decided to give them a try. The samples arrived while we were in Florida. When I went into my studio on my return I could hardly wait to give them a try. The barrel sign would be the perfect project I decided. The base coat paint brushed on smoothly and covered well. I liked it already. Then it was time for the glazes. Once more I was pleased how the paint mixed up and applied. It wiped off cleanly to reveal the texture and dried quickly. The silver bands were done using Modern Masters metallic silver and then the last dark glaze was applied over the entire barrel to age it approriately. The white lettering (using this same new paint) was easy to dry brush and provided just the look I was seeking in only one coat.
Pardon the pun, but I must say this paint passed it's first test with flying colors! I'll be test driving it a whole bunch more in the next weeks. Stay tuned for further results...
-grampa dan