Creative input time!

I often get asked just how I manage to be creative so much of the time. The answer is to constntly feed your brain ideas. I gather ideas wherever I go bu sometimes I need a heavy infusion. Once such place to gather ideas is a Disney theme park. These folks are among the most creative in the world. So since I'm already in Florida it is just too good an opportunity to pass up.

Among the endless eye candy are the wonderful signs that hang just about everywhere. I started snapping pictures as soon as we arrived...

sign 3.png

From then on I had my camera out a lot for there was lots to see and remember...

sign 1.png
sign 2.png

But I didn't just look at signs for creative details were EVERYWHERE I looked. Here's the dimensional cast emblem that adorned a garbage can in Tomorrowland.

sign 4.png

It got dark today before I did toom much collecting of ideas but no worry. Tomorrow I'll be out gathering once more...

grampa dan