Mondays are often a day where I spend time organizing and sorting things out for the week ahead. There are emails that piled up over the weekend to answer. Materials need ordering and decisions need to be made that will determine what happens the rest of the week. Today was actually Tuesday - but with the holiday yesterday today may as well have been Monday.
Once I arrived onsite after a little time in my office I climbed up the ladder to finish off the beam over the entry. Next will come the rest of the concrete sculpting to create the posts, and fun brickwork. It is going to look pretty cool! It is now time to design up the sign that will hang front and center.
In between a little sculpting, the afternoon was spent with the contractor and owners in a series of meetings through the project. It is time for a whole new series of decisions that will determine where everything will go. This includes the many pieces of eye candy and signs that will grace the walls and set the mood.
Things are coming together so quickly. There is no time to even blink!
-gampa dan