Major progress or so it seems

Each day we work hard on the Fox & Hounds Pub project. Progress is roughly the same. But when we can look back at the end of the day and see a major piece ready for paint it sure feels good! Days of preparation and labor suddenly come together and it feels like big progress has been achieved.

Today was perfect weather to sculpt concrete outside. Overcast and yet warm - not hot, the fresh concrete would dry slow allowing us plenty of time to carve it before it became too hard. We were carving brick which tends ot be more labor intensive than anything else. The key is to carve fast and confidently, staying ahead of the curing stone. It is a challenge each and every time.

The brickwork is now complete on the outside. By week's end (weather permitting) we will also cross the sculpted concrete bollards and handrails off the list leaving only the paint to finish.

carved concrete left side.png

The outside work on the front of the building is nearing completion. The center portion of the gable is now ready for the large dimensional sign in progress in our shop.

front of restaurant.png

Guests are getting anxious to come in the new entrance and see the work inside. It will only be a little while more...
