Playing electrician

Today it was time to play electrician, not my favorite task. I simply don't know that much about it, but with a little trial and error I manage to figure it out.

It took a while to stuff all the batteries into the tight space along with the hydraulic pump and horn. Somehow it all fit in the tight space under the dump box. I sourced a wiring diagram on the internet and then cut the many wires, added the ends and bolted them into place.

batteries 3.png

The ah-ooh-gah horn was the first accessory to be hooked up and with a little time it worked perfectly. It's the red plastic piece beside the hydraulic pump. The lights proved to be a little more problematic. The two headlights and tailights eventually got wired properly and worked like they should. Even the switch in the dashboard lit up when the lights were clicked on.

lights on.png

I ran out of time before I managed to hook up the electricity to the hydraulic pump but tomorrow the little truck will be ready for a test drive for sure! I'll try and grab some video of the first cruise around our parking lot.

 -grampa dan