What's in a name(tag)?

With the Sculpture Magic Workshop now only a few days away we are busy putting the last touches on the name plaques for our guests. Each needs a little more work but they are looking pretty cool already. There are six name plques in total. Here's the first three.

Dustin's name plaque has a distinctly Western feel with the stars, shape and typeface but it is well suited to his occupation, owner and operator of a turn of the century railroad themed adventure park, called Loco Landing.

dustin 1.png

Gary's name plaque is modeled after a plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Why spaghetti? Just for fun. It looks simple but was a tricky piece to design and model for the CNC router.

gary 1.png

Doug is a science fiction affectionado. His name plaque had to be alien in every respect. It does say Doug but you'll hve to study it  bit (or know the alien language to figure it out. Look close and you will see a 'D' with an 'O' beside it. The 'U' and 'G' are underneath in the second row. The background texture is called Klingon Chicken - something only Doug and a select few others would truly appreciate.

doug 1.png

Stay tuned for the next three.

-grampa dan