The thing about going away for a few days is that things continue to pile up while you are gone. But thankfully I have a great crew who continued to work hard while I was travelling. On my return I found many things had happened.
Up at Cultus Lake the crew there had been busy. Every trace of the old bumperboat and go-kart business is now gone. Site work is proceeding at full speed. The pool and building foundation holes are excavated. Tomorrow the forming begins and before the end of the week there should be a good deal of concrete flowing.
Chris dropped off the structural steel for the lighthouse/main sign this morning. This means we can proceed with the pretty bits in the coming days. This is going to be a very cool piece!
In the shop my crew has been busy laying on the colors. The Wilderness Adventure sign is now done and looking pretty fine.
Hailey also kept busy today putting the finishing touches on the Windmill Drop sign. I love the way they painted the vulture! I added the eyeball details with some black paint right after I took this picture.
The shop was a very busy place all day with plenty accomplished. Stay tuned for more reports...
-grampa dan