Tree with real character

The old twisted tree that will live on top of the mountain in the Cultus Lake Adventure park is the old lady tree. About seventy feet away in the Giggle Ridge Adventure Golf the old man tree lives on Giggle Mountain where he's been for almost fourteen years.

old man tree.png

As I reported previously Peter has been busy welding the new tree and this past week the crew has been busy applying the mesh with a little still to go. Peter had a little time Friday afternon and so started the application and carving of the fiberglass reinforced concrete. He started with the face of the tree as the style done there will determine how the rest of the tree is done. We were looking for a realistic texture with an over the top feel and a definite cartoon bent. I think we are on the right track! As you come into the park from the east gate this is the view you will see.

side view of tree.png

The old lady tree will be facing the old man tree and so this view will be seen from the north. The face will peek between the roots which flank the face like an unkempt hairdo. Those who are observant will be rewarded with this toothless smile.

old lady in tree 2.png

I can hardly wait to see this whole thing come together! Stay tuned...

 -grampa dan