One of the things I enjoy doing while on a plane is scribbling ideas in my sketchbook. With my client sitting next to me on the long flights to Florida and back it was like having a very long and productive meeting with no interruptions or distractions. As we discused so many ideas for the new park I would scribble in my book like mad, filling page after page with ideas. I enjoyed instant feedback as I drew with the ideas flowing between us. By the time we landed at our home airport today we had filled in the details in many areas of the park. The time we spent at the trade show was valuable without a doubt... but of equal value was the time we spent talking about the park and just having fun together building trust and friendship. The park will undoubtably be a more creative place because of the time we took for this trip.
Here's one of the scores of pages I filled in my sketch book.
I can hardly wait to begin building some of these cool ideas. Stay tuned...
-grampa dan