Another piece mudded!

Today was one of those kind of days where I simply trusted the crew to do their jobs without much direction. They did a great job too. I was busy in meetings and getting steel bent (rolled) for projects happening next week. I came into the shop late in the afternoon as the crew pushed to finish applying the fiberglass reinforced concrete to the lighthouse bottom section. I picked up a trowel to give them a hand. Before quiting time arrived we had finished applying the concrete and smoothed off the section of the lighthouse. Then it was time to say goodbye to the crew after a wonderful hard day's effort.

mudding lighthouse 3.png

The thing about concrete however is that it waits for no one. While a good portion of the lightouse was still too soft to finish cleaning up and be sponged for texture it couldn't wait for the crew's return in the morning. I went into the house for supper knowing I would be back in the shop in a couple of hours to finish the job we had started. When I returned after supper it took me another hour to finish off the piece.

lighthouse base mudded.png

It looked pretty cool and will look even better after it gets it's bright red and white striped paint job. I can hardly wait until it gets lifted into position up at the park! Tomorrow we start applying the concrete to the lighthouse topper.

-grampa dan