Quickly taking shape

The weather outside is really cold (for us) these days with the temperature not going above freezing - even in the daylight hours. This means the jobs we can do up at the site are limited to welding alone. With no new concrete being poured this week (due to the cold weather) it was our crew's last day up at the site until things warm up. The construction crew has been busy at the site putting on the Q-decking in readiness for the concrete slabs. The cave areas and upper parts of the walkway are now walkable as is the bridge over to the raised island. It's looking pretty cool as the elevated walkways are quickly taking shape.

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The rest of the crew was warm and busy in the shop. They were painting, sculpting and working on the armatures for the next projects. I got to start something new - which is always exciting. I worked on the structure for the water tower and mine car. Brando was cutting the steel I needed as fast as I could weld it into place. After only a couple of hours it was looking pretty cool and is almost ready for the mine cart to be lifted into place.

water tower structure.png

With the entire crew back in the shop starting tomorrow an amazing amount of work will undoubtably be done. Things will change fast. It's also a very big day. The crane arrives at 7:30 to begin loading the trailers. Tomorrow, the mountain top, the large tree, the balloon and various other features will be transported up to Cutus Lake Adventure Park. We also take delivery of a whole trailer load of new sub-structures for the next batch of large features. Stay tuned for pictures and stories of tomorrow's adventures...

-grampa dan