Strong man!

With the good weather now only a day or two away we are anxious to get back into Whistle Punk Hollow to finish off our work. There's been a lot of rain of late and rain mixes poorly with the finish painting we need to do. Just the same we've used our studio time to finish off a lot of things in the studio, some of which will be installed at Whistle Punk. This work included a few more signs and the rail way tracks for the trestle. 

Because the trestle is up high where the public will not be allowed we could make the rails instead of using real, HEAVY iron. We routed them from 30 lb (per cubic foot) Precision Board and then painted it with our special iron paint. Then we applied a mild acid to begin the rusting process. The end result is a convincing I-beam rail that doesn't weigh a TON. Matt carefully packed them into the trailer this afternoon. He swung the heavy (looking) lengths of rail like it was nothing.  :)

strong man.png

This will be the last load that goes to Squamish for this phase of the project. It's been a great deal of fun!

-grampa dan