With five months to go on the big project and still plenty to do we decided to hire one more artistic laborer. Today Kevin showed up at the studio for an interview. He was referred by two of our current employees which made for some serious points in his favor. He was a young fellow. I had to go up to the worksite just before he came and when I got back he was taking a coffee break with the rest of the crew.

I sat down with everyone and watched how he interacted with the others. I was pleased to see how he fit right in without wanting to be the center of attention. I have no doubt he was expecting a formal interview but by the end of coffee break my mind was pretty much made up.


Kevin had the benefit of being coached a little prior to coming in to see me but he also did a number of things very right. He was clear aabout his life goals and the things he hoped to do in the future. I loved his quiet confidence. He was dressed casual but neat. He brought a pair of work gloves with him. He also wore some shiny new hard toe work boots. The clincher was when I found out that he had brought a bag lunch with him so that he was ready to work through the day.

He was hired on the spot!

-grampa dan