It is always a cool thing to be honored by my peers in the industry. Each year we enter our very best work in various national and international contests. The grand daddy of all the contests is the international sign contest put on by Signs of the Times magazine based in Cincinatti, Ohio. The contest attracts many hundreds of sign project entries from around the world. Back when I first started in this business I would druel over the awesome work I saw in the annual contest issue. I still have those magazines on my shelf dating back to 1981. I promised myself back then that some day, some how, my work would be good enough to appear there. A quarter century later (in 2006) I entered some of our work for the first time and did very well. Since then we have been honored many times in various categories.
This year I entered two of our projects into the international competition. The first was the WhistlePunk Hollow Adventure Golf in the 'sign systems' category. The signs we built for that project garnered a second place award.
The second project I entered this year was The Institute for the Study of Mechanical Marine Life - a self-promotional piece. It was entered in the 'unusual' category. it garnered a first place finish.
-grampa dan